From Progressive Radicalism to Democratic Degeneration: The Trajectory of John Locke's Political Theory

  • Sirvan Karimi Assistant Professor.
Keywords: Agrarian Capitalism, Class Inequality, Political Obligation, Political Theory, Propertied Class


As an organic intellectual of the emerging propertied class in 17th century England, John Locke has made an enduring contribution to the prevailing ideas shaping the socio-political order in Western societies and beyond. Through invoking the law of nature and natural rights which were nothing more than what he had abstracted from the socio-economic conditions of the seventeenth century and had projected back into the state of nature, Locke assiduously embarked on justifying the separation of civil society from the state, naturalizing  class inequalities identifying the preservation of property as the fundamental function of the state, and rationalizing the subordination of  propertyless classes to the emerging  liberal democratic political order geared to preserve the interests of economically hegemonic classes.


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Author Biography

Sirvan Karimi, Assistant Professor.

York University, School of Public Policy and Administration, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (LA&PS). Toronto, Ontario. Canada.

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How to Cite
S. Karimi, “From Progressive Radicalism to Democratic Degeneration: The Trajectory of John Locke’s Political Theory”, International Journal of Law and Public Policy, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 19-29, Mar. 2021.


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