Analysis of the Juridical Protection of the Most Traditional Health Laws in the Perspective of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 36 of 2009 Concerning Health

  • Fakhruddin Razy
  • Malisa Ariani
Keywords: Juridical Protection, Perspective of Law, Traditional Health


Abstract: In accordance with the ideals of the Indonesian people as referred to in Pancasila and the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia that health is a human right and one of the elements of welfare that the state must realize. The government as the holder of the highest power has the authority to achieve the highest possible health status for the community by carrying out comprehensive  integrated health efforts. The results showed that  Law Number  36 Year  2009  concerning  Health  has not fully provided legal   protection   for   traditional   health   service   business   actors,   namely traditional   health  workers   and  for  traditional   health  service   consumers, namely patients / clients. The hope is that the government should does special legislation  regulating  traditional  health  services  specifically  because traditional health services are currently increasingly diverse in treatment techniques and the more trusted by the Indonesian people.



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Author Biographies

Fakhruddin Razy

Faculty of Law, University of Sari Mulia, Banjarmasin, Indonesia.

Malisa Ariani

Faculty of Health, University of Sari Mulia, Banjarmasin, Indonesia.

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How to Cite
F. Razy and M. Ariani, “Analysis of the Juridical Protection of the Most Traditional Health Laws in the Perspective of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 36 of 2009 Concerning Health”, International Journal of Law and Public Policy, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 10-15, Mar. 2022.


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