Web-Based Interactive Appoinment System

Sistem Temujanji Interaktif Berasaskan WEB

  • Nurul Haziqah Hasbullah
  • Noor Anida Zaria Mohd Noor
Keywords: Sistem Berasaskan Web, Temujanji Interaktif, Prototaip


Kajian ini menghasilkan sistem berasaskan web yang bertujuan untuk memudahkan penepatan temujanji bagi pensyarah Jabatan Komputeran, Fakulti Seni, Komputeran dan Industri Kreatif dan pelajar program Kejuruteraan Perisian (AC10) yang dikenali sebagai AC10 Appointment System. Tujuan utama pembangunan sistem ini adalah untuk memudahkan pelajar membuat temujanji dengan pensyarah dengan lebih teratur dan tersusun disamping memudahkan urusan pensyarah menerima termujanji yang akan dibuat oleh pelajar. Sistem ini telah dibangunkan dengan menggunakan metodologi prototaip. Instrumen soal selidik telah digunakan untuk menguji fungsi dan kebolehgunaan AC10 Appointment System. Seramai 20 orang pelajar dari program Kejuruteraan Perisian telah dipilih sebagai respondent untuk kajian ini. Hasil kajian ini mendapati bahawa sistem berasaskan web AC10 Appointment System diterima dengan baik dan berharap sistem ini dapat digunakan bagi memudahkan urusan membut temujanji di antara pensyarah dan pelajar.


Web-Based Interactive Appoinment System

Abstract: This study produces a web-based system that aims to facilitate appointment planning for lecturers of the Department of Computer, Faculty of Arts, Computers and Creative Industry and students of Software Engineering program (AC10) known as AC10 Appointment System. The main purpose of the development of this system is to facilitate students to make appointments with lecturers in a more organized and organized while facilitating the affairs of lecturers to accept the promises that will be made by students. This system was developed using a prototype methodology. Questionnaire instruments were used to test the functionality and usability of the AC10 Appointment System. A total of 20 students from the Software Engineering program were selected as respondents for this study. The results of this study found that the web-based system AC10 Appointment System was well received and hoped that this system could be used to facilitate the appointment of lecturers and students.


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Author Biographies

Nurul Haziqah Hasbullah

Department of Computing, Faculty of of Art, Computing and Creative Industry. Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris. Perak, Malaysia.

Noor Anida Zaria Mohd Noor

Department of Computing, Faculty of of Art, Computing and Creative Industry. Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris. Perak, Malaysia.

This is an open access article, licensed under CC-BY-SA

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How to Cite
N. H. Hasbullah and N. A. Z. Mohd Noor, “Web-Based Interactive Appoinment System”, Journal of Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 110-117, Dec. 2020.


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