Designing the Credit Card Registration Application System at Bank Panin Kantor Kas Permata Taman Palem.
Merancang Sistem Aplikasi Pendaftaran Kartu Kredit di Bank Panin Kantor Kas Permata Taman Palem
Persaingan dalam dunia perbankan di era perkembangan teknologi seperti sekarang ini semakin ketat. Setiap bank sudah mempergunakan sistem informasi yang sudah terkomputerisasi dalam proses kerjanya. Salah satu sistem informasi ialah sistem informasi kartu kredit. Pada sistem kartu kredit Bank Panin Kantor Kas Permata Taman Palem masih menggunakan sistem informasi manual, dari proses promosi sampai proses pendaftaran dan juga informasi tagihan kartu kredit. Dari sistem kartu kredit yang masih manual ini banyak menimbulkan berbagai masalah diantaranya kurang efektif dan efisien pada proses promosi kartu kredit, proses pendafataran kartu kredit. Proses penginputan data registrasi yang masih manual juga sering menimbulkan kesalahan penginputan. Untuk proses informasi kartu kredit dan tagihan juga kurang bisa diakses dengan mudah oleh nasabah. Dari permasalahan diatas perlu dibuat suatu sistem informasi berbasis web yang bisa memberikan kemudahan dan solusi permasalan. Sistem informasi kartu kredit yang berbasis web nantinya bisa diganakan untuk promosi, pendaftaran kartu kredit online, memasukkan informasi kartu kredit dan tagihan serta akses informasi bagi nasabah tentang tagihan dan informasi kartu kredit itu sendiri.
Designing the Credit Card Registration Application System at Bank Panin Kantor Kas Permata Taman Palem
Abstract: Competition in the banking world in the era of technological developments such as this is increasingly stringent. Each bank has used a computerized information system in its work process. One information system is a credit card information system. In the Bank Panin Kantor Kas Permata Taman Palem still uses a manual information system, from the promotion process to the registration process and also credit card billing information. From the credit card system that is still manual, there are many problems, including ineffective and inefficient processes in the promotion of credit cards, the process of registering credit cards. The process of inputting registration data that is still manual also often leads to input errors. To process credit card and billing information, it is also less easily accessible by customers. From the problems above it is necessary to make a web-based information system that can provide solutions and solutions. A web-based credit card information system can later be used for promotions, online credit card registrations, entering credit card and billing information and accessing information for customers about the bills and credit card information itself.
Keywords: Credit Card, Information System, Web Application.
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