Journal History
Journal of Engineering, Technology and Applied Science (JETAS), with registered number ISSN 2721-7949 (print), ISSN 2721-8090 (online) is dedicated to publish research papers, reviews, case studies and short communications from all disciplines of Engineering, Technology & Science. By not excluding papers on the basis of subject area, JETAS facilitates the research and wishes to publish papers as long as they are technically correct and scientifically motivated. Subject areas cover, but not limited to, medicine, physics, chemistry, biology, environmental sciences, geology, engineering, agriculture, biotechnology, nanotechnology, mathematics and statistics, computer science, architecture, industrial and all other science and engineering disciplines. This is a quality controlled, open peer reviewed, open access international journal. JETAS published triannual, i.e. April, August and December.
Journal of Engineering, Technology and Applied Science (JETAS) has been registered as a scientific journal by LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Science) since 2020.