Peer Review Process
Journal of Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science (JETAS) uses double-blind peer review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process.
Responsibilities of peer reviewers:
Peer reviewers should inform the editor about the willingness to do a review on the manuscript to be published. If unwilling, peer reviewers must notify the editor.
The reviewed manuscript is a confidential document. Communication with other parties without the author's permission is prohibited.
Standard Objectivity
Peer reviewers must take hold on the principles of objectivity and avoiding personal criticism against the author of the manuscript during the review process. All comments must be accompanied by clear and supportive suggestions.
Reference Clarity
Peer Reviewers are recommended to provide information to the authors of the research with the literature, or relevant case studies which have not been cited, having a substantial similarity or overlap with the manuscripts reviewed.
Conflicts of Interest
- Peer reviewers are not allowed to use unpublished manuscript material for personal use without the prior written consent of the author, under any circumstances.
- The information and ideas contained in the reviewed manuscript is confidential and should not be distributed or used for personal gain.
- If having a conflict of interest for reasons of competition, collaboration, or other relationship with the author, institution or company involved in publishing, peer reviewers are not permitted to evaluate the related manuscript.