Teachers' Perspectives on Higher Order Thinking Skills among Students
Perspektif Guru Terhadap Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi dalam Kalangan Pelajar
Kajian ini dijalankan bagi meneroka perspektif guru berkaitan kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi (KBAT) dalam kalangan pelajar. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah temubual separa berstruktur yang melibatkan seorang guru yang berpengalaman. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam kajian ini terdiri daripada protocol temubual dan komputer riba. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa KBAT dalam kalangan pelajar masih perlu diperkasakan dan dipengaruhi oleh perbezaan tahap sosioekonomi dan jenis sekolah. Faktor pelajar, alat bantu mengajar, dan keadaan bilik darjah didapati mempengaruhi pemilihan strategi pengajaran bagi memupuk KBAT dalam kalangan pelajar. Hasil kajian turut mendapati bahawa teknik menyoal boleh digunakan bagi meningkatkan KBAT dalam kalangan pelajar, manakala pemberian soalan KBAT secara konsisten, penggunaan kaedah pembelajaran abad ke-21 (PAK21) dan pemberian tugasan berkumpulan boleh digunakan untuk menggalakkan aplikasi KBAT ketika pelajar menghadapi penilaian. Dapatan kajian turut menunjukkan bahawa kekangan masa dan faktor pelajar yang tidak aktif memberikan cabaran kepada guru untuk memupuk KBAT dalam kalangan pelajar. Sebagai implikasi, semua pihak perlu memainkan peranan yang sewajarnya dalam usaha meningkatkan KBAT dalam kalangan pelajar agar matlamat pendidikan dapat direalisasikan.
Teachers' Perspectives on Higher Order Thinking Skills among Students
Abstract: This study was conducted to explore the perspectives of teachers related to high -level thinking skills (HLTS) among students. This study used a semi -structured interview method involving an experienced teacher. The instruments used in this study consisted of an interview protocol and a laptop. The results of the study found that HOTS among students still need to be empowered and influenced by differences in socioeconomic levels and types of schools. Student factors, teaching aids, and classroom conditions were found to influence the selection of teaching strategies to foster HOTS among students. The study also found that questioning techniques can be used to improve KBAT among students, while giving KBAT questions consistently, the use of 21st century learning methods (PAK21) and group assignments can be used to encourage the application of KBAT when students face assessment. The findings of the study also show that time constraints and inactive student factors provide a challenge to teachers to cultivate HOTS among students. As an implication, all parties need to play an appropriate role in efforts to improve HOTS among students so that educational goals can be realized.
Keywords: High-Order Thinking Skills, 21st Century Learning, Information and Communication Technology.
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