Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (JHASS) 2024-05-18T22:44:16+00:00 Yusram, S.Pd., M.Pd. Open Journal Systems <p>Journal of Humanities and Social Science (JHASS) is a peer-reviewed journal. JHASS provide a valuable platform for academicians, scholars, researchers and students to share their knowledge, ideas, development and insights of the most up-to-date research that focuses on Humanities and Social Sciences. JHASS is a bilingual journal (Indonesian/Malay - English) and published every four months (April, August and December).<br><br></p> Cooperative Learning Pedagogy in Teaching an Inclusive Class Rooms 2024-05-18T19:56:40+00:00 Mohd Razimi Husin Ahmad Faqeh Abidin Jauhari Wan Humairaa' Wan Mohd Allwee Muhammad Arash Ilham Zurkarnain <p>Pedagogi melibatkan aspek pengajaran, pembelajaran, dan interaksi di dalam konteks pendidikan. Pedagogi mempelajari bagaimana individu belajar, cara penyampaian yang efektif, serta pembinaan persekitaran pembelajaran yang menyokong perkembangan individu secara menyeluruh. Matlamat utama pedagogi adalah mencipta persekitaran pembelajaran yang membolehkan pemahaman, kemahiran, dan nilai-nilai yang relevan bagi perkembangan holistik pelajar. Dengan memahami prinsip-prinsip pedagogi dan mengaplikasikannya secara berkesan, guru dapat menjadi fasilitator pembelajaran yang berkesan dan membantu pelajar mencapai potensi mereka secara maksima. Murid berkeperluan pendidikan khas (MBPK) merujuk kepada kanak-kanak yang mempunyai atau memerlukan keperluan pendidikan yang berbeza dari kebanyakan kanak-kanak yang lain. Keberkesanan strategi pengajaran guru dalam pendidikan inklusif dapat dilihat apabila murid-murid memberikan respon yang amat baik terhadap pembelajaran yang diberikan untuk membantu murid-murid diskalkulia menguasai subjek yang diajarkan.</p> <p><br><strong>Cooperative Learning Pedagogy in Teaching an Inclusive Class Rooms</strong></p> <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> Pedagogy involves aspects of teaching, learning and interaction within an educational context. Pedagogy studies how individuals learn, effective delivery methods, and the development of learning environments that support the holistic development of individuals. The main goal of pedagogy is to create a learning environment that enables understanding, skills, and values relevant to the holistic development of the learner. By understanding the principles of pedagogy and applying them effectively, teachers can become effective facilitators of learning and help learners reach their full potential. Students with special educational needs (MBPK) refer to children who have or require different educational needs from most other children. The effectiveness of teachers' teaching strategies in inclusive education can be seen when students respond very well to the learning provided to help students with dyscalculia master the subject taught.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Inclusive Class, Pedagogy, Teaching Strategies.</p> 2024-04-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (JHASS) e-Banking and Customer Satisfaction in Commercial Banks: A Case of Centenary Bank Main Branch-Mapeera House of Uganda 2024-05-18T19:56:50+00:00 Adonia Tukundane Rodgers Nabaasa Val Hyginus Udoka Eze <p>This study aimed to investigate the correlation between electronic banking (e-banking) and customer satisfaction within Centenary Banks. Employing a cross-sectional survey design, the research involved 85 participants, from whom a sample of 70 was selected. Data collection was facilitated through a self-administered questionnaire. Rigorous data processing and analysis, utilizing relevant statistical software packages, were applied to evaluate the relationships explored in the study. The results demonstrated positive and significant associations between e-banking and customer satisfaction. Moreover, the findings indicated that the model could only account for a 24.4% variance in service quality. In summary, the study affirmed that independent variables such as e-banking, networking, and customer perceptions regarding service value were crucial predictors of service quality in Centenary Bank. Based on the conclusions drawn, the study recommends expanding the investigation to encompass factors not initially included in the model for a more comprehensive understanding of service quality at Centenary Bank. Additionally, it suggests that Centenary Bank's management place significant emphasis on e-banking and networking to enhance overall service delivery. Furthermore, the recommendation extends to conducting a longitudinal study to unveil the evolving nature of the subject. Finally, the model proposed in this study should be applied to explore sectors beyond the financial domain.</p> 2024-04-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (JHASS) Rural Tourism and Socio-Economic Development in Kalapatta Sub County Kabong District of Uganda 2024-05-18T20:00:05+00:00 Fred Ariyon Akorio Silaji Turyamureeba Azarious Tugume Val Hyginus Udoka Eze <p>This research explores the interplay between rural tourism and socio-economic development in Kalapatta Sub County, located within the Kabong District. As rural areas globally seek sustainable pathways for growth, the study focuses on the specific impacts of tourism on the socio-economic fabric of the community. The research employs a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative data analysis and qualitative insights gathered through interviews and surveys conducted among local residents, business owners, and tourists. Key indicators such as income generation, employment opportunities, infrastructure development, and cultural preservation are examined to assess the multifaceted impact of rural tourism on the local community. Preliminary findings indicate that the influx of tourists has led to increased economic activities, including the growth of local businesses and the creation of employment opportunities. However, challenges such as environmental degradation, cultural commodification, and unequal distribution of benefits are also identified. The research sheds light on the complex dynamics between the tourism industry and the socio-economic development of the rural community, emphasizing the need for sustainable and inclusive strategies. The study contributes to the existing body of knowledge on rural tourism by providing context-specific insights from Kalapatta Sub County, Kabong District. Recommendations for policymakers, local authorities, and community stakeholders are offered to guide the development of strategies that maximize the positive impacts of tourism while mitigating its potential negative consequences. Ultimately, this research aims to inform the creation of a framework for sustainable rural tourism that fosters socio-economic development in a manner that respects and enhances the local culture and environment</p> 2024-04-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (JHASS) Influence of United States Constitutional System on Asian Countries 2024-05-18T22:43:02+00:00 Ousu Mendy <p>United States of America is a leading superpower in international politics and the infiltration of its constitutional system into other countries is quite conspicuous in many ways. The impact of it is manifest in the governance structure many Asian countries. Asia is an abode to different types of governments including long-established democracy, socialism and monarchies. This research studies and compares special Asian countries with the constitutional system of America as a model that has withstood the test to time since the 18<sup>th</sup> century. This research finds that the question of whether Asia can adopt democracy was what preoccupied Lee Kuan Yew as an Asian and Singaporean statesman. However, diffusion theory penetrates Asia, and the continent begins to wax in democracy and constitutionalism. Written constitutions also dominate Asia with models of check and balance, impeachments, and elimination of dictatorship although its last vestiges are still in some parts of the continent.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> 2024-04-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (JHASS) Mapping the Key Actors of Rural Land Conflicts in Bangladesh 2024-05-18T22:44:16+00:00 Md. Zarif Rahman Sadia Aktar Korobi <p>Conflicts over rural land have plagued Bangladesh since its independence. Rural land issues continue to remain unresolved, and violence related to land is still on the rise. The investigation of those engaged in these disputes and the dynamics of their relationships, however, has received very little attention. The current study maps those involved in land conflicts&nbsp;and their relational interplay&nbsp;in the context of&nbsp;rural Bangladesh. The study utilizes qualitative method of data collection including KII interviews, focus group discussions, and expert interviews. Through purposive sampling, key informant interviews and focus group discussions involved a group of relevant stakeholders in land conflicts in the study areas who provided needed information, ideas, and insights on land issues in the area. The study finds that the power structure of the village affects benefit distribution and the resolution of land disputes. Local political leaders and "Matbors" have an impact on how disputes are resolved. Law enforcement authorities are ineffective at resolving violent conflicts, and corrupt land office staff are also of no help, prolonging such conflicts. The study suggests holding workshops on empathy-building, digitizing land management, and enhancing the court system to lessen disputes amongst stakeholders in rural Bangladesh.</p> 2024-04-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (JHASS)