A Genetic-Fuzzy System Algorithm Method for the Breast Cancer Diagnosis Problem

  • Normalisa
Keywords: Breast Cancer Diagnosis Problem, Computer-Aided Diagnosis, Fuzzy Inference System, Genetic Algorithm, High Level of Accuracy


Breast cancer is an important medical problem, especially for women, computer-aided medical diagnosis is very important in terms of prevention and early detection. This paper presents early detection of breast cancer using two methods, namely genetic algorithm and fuzzy inference system which will be used for early detection of breast cancer which will be used by doctors with computer assistance to obtain medical diagnosis of breast cancer in Indonesia. Our research shows that the diagnosis of breast cancer using these two methods has a high level of accuracy.


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Faculty of Computer Science Engineering, International University Liaison Indonesia. Indonesia.

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How to Cite
Normalisa, “A Genetic-Fuzzy System Algorithm Method for the Breast Cancer Diagnosis Problem”, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 74-77, Dec. 2021.


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