WeRoute: Route Optimization Web-Based System and Driver Mobile Application
This paper intends to conceptualise an optimisation solution for vehicle routing that can get the best routing result and release the most optimal route to the driver, namely WeRoute. The objectives of the paper are to manage the data efficiently, save time, reduce cost, enhance customer satisfaction, and decrease the emission of carbon. Moreover, this is also known as the vehicle routing problem, which deals with a range of variables, including drivers, stops, roads, and customers. The method, Genetic algorithm, was developed to improve the efficiency of generating feasible routes for a project. A team of drivers and several stops are needed to generate the solution of optimising the vehicle routing. It can be said that the more drivers or stops, the more complicated the problem becomes, such as cost controls and vehicle limitations. Thus, a route optimisation tool slowly becomes the key to ensuring the delivery business as efficiently as possible.

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