Selecting Favourite Majors at Sari Mulia University Using SAW Method
A decision support system, also known as a decision support system (DSS), is an interactive information system that offers data, models, and information. DSS is used as a decision aid in semi-structured and unstructured situations where there is no clear decision-making procedure. Determining the preferred major is one of the challenges in universities. The purpose of determining the most popular major is to improve the quality and services provided to students in each department, which is a crucial objective for universities. Currently, Universitas Sari Mulia determines the most popular majors based on qualitative data, which makes the determination of the most popular majors themselves inaccurate; therefore, a method capable of managing data on the selection of the most popular majors is necessary. In this study, the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) technique will be utilized. This method is used to compare each criterion with one another in order to determine the most popular majors at Sari Mulia University and to evaluate each department.

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