Expert System for Diagnosis Coronavirus Disease
The latest issue of the disease called COVID-19 has become famous all over the world. Hence, through this problem, it found that this disease have the same symptom with other diseases such as Influenza and also normal flu. Detecting diseases at early stage can enable to overcome and treat them appropriately. This is because many of peoples does not know and does not aware of the symptom of this various diseases. In an effort to address those problems, an Expert System for Corona Earlier Detection has been proposed to help the doctors to detect those various diseases in human body. Through this research, the researcher will held an interview with the doctors to collect data and information about those diseases’ symptoms and also search for the related articles to make sure this research going successfully. The method that will be used in this research is Certainty Factor. To conclude, this system will be useful to the healthcare department as it will give earlier detection when the patient are positively exposed to the disease that is known by Corona.

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