Career Finder System using Rule-Based Filtering for University Student Candidates

  • Fikri Nur Izzudin Amir Hamzah
  • Ahmad Fadli Saad
  • Ismail Yusuf Panessai
Keywords: Career Finder System, Decision Making, MADLC, Rule-Based Filtering


As a current reality, students are frequently questioned about a suitable career path for the future, but they are unaware of the jobs offered by current industries. Moreover, students seeking university admission frequently encounter difficulties selecting courses and educational programs, and they are confronted with a variety of available courses. This research aims to make a mobile application for students to obtain employment career options appropriate to their educational qualifications because student is often asked about a suitable career for their future but have no idea about the available career path that appropriate. The methodology that implements in this research is Mobile Application Development Life Cycle (MADLC) that have four phases which is identification, design, development, and testing. The Visual Studio Code with Flutter plugin is used to develop the mobile application and its function. Firebase is used to get the database to store all the data and works as backend function of the application. The finished system was tested accordingly based on the functionality that listed all available function of the system. The system considers students' educational qualifications and academic achievements to provide personalized recommendations. This system can assist students in making career decisions and pursuing the right career path, saving them time, and reducing the risk of making wrong choices. This research indicates understanding the importance of career decision-making for students before continuing their university studies. In conclusion, this research seeks to enhance the ability of students to make decision of the available career path provided through recommendation system.


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Author Biographies

Fikri Nur Izzudin Amir Hamzah

Computing Science Studies, College of Computing, Informatics and Media, Universiti Teknologi MARA. Perak Branch, Tapah Campus. Perak, Malaysia.

Ahmad Fadli Saad

Computing Science Studies, College of Computing, Informatics and Media, Universiti Teknologi MARA. Perak Branch, Tapah Campus. Perak, Malaysia.

Ismail Yusuf Panessai

Department of Computer Science and Digital Technology, Faculty of Computing and Meta-Technology, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris. Tanjong Malim, Malaysia.

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How to Cite
F. N. I. Amir Hamzah, A. F. Saad, and I. Y. Panessai, “Career Finder System using Rule-Based Filtering for University Student Candidates”, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 45-58, Jun. 2023.


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