A Deep Reinforcement Learning Agent for Snake Game
After watching AlphaGo a Netflix documentary which presents how AlphaGo is an AI computer game developed by deep-mind technologies based on deep reinforcement learning (DRL). Since then, my interest in reinforcement learning has been growing. In this project, I will apply reinforcement learning to develop an agent to play snake game. Where Deep learning will implement a neural Network to help the agent (snake) to learn what action must take to get a state. If we describe deep reinforcement learning (DRL) model where agent interacts with an environment and chooses an action. Based on action, agents receive feedback from the environment as states (or perceives) and rewards. A state = an array with 11 input values, each input values represent a neural network that provides an output of 3 values, each one represents three possible actions the agent (snake) can take (Straight, Right Turn and Left Turn).

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