Evaluating Public Procurement's Challenges in Nigeria's Construction Industry

  • Nancy Amarachi Boniface
  • Ezekiel Nnadi
  • Val Hyginus Udoka Eze
Keywords: Construction, Project Management, Project Quality, Public Procurement


The article explores the challenges faced by public project management in Nigeria, focusing on the procurement process and its potential improvements. The research used a survey and descriptive design, collecting data from 125 procurement offices and federal Ministry of Works professionals. The study found that poor risk management, dark purchasing, corruption, and lack of transparency were the top issues, with a mean score of 4.96. The study also found that the procurement process and industry, economy, and project quality had a joint influence on the dependent variables. The study rejected the null hypothesis, stating that the procurement process significantly impacts the industry, economy, and project quality in Nigeria. The research recommends implementing measures to improve the procurement process and punishing offenders to reduce fraud. The study concludes that the procurement process in Nigeria significantly impacts the industry, economy, and project quality.


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Author Biographies

Nancy Amarachi Boniface

Department of Civil Engineering, Kampala International University. Uganda.

Ezekiel Nnadi

Department of Civil Engineering, Kampala International University. Uganda.

Val Hyginus Udoka Eze

Department of Electrical, Telecommunication and Computer Engineering, Kampala International University. Uganda.

This is an open access article, licensed under CC-BY-SA

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How to Cite
N. A. Boniface, E. Nnadi, and V. H. U. Eze, “Evaluating Public Procurement’s Challenges in Nigeria’s Construction Industry”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Applied Science, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 25-36, Mar. 2024.


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