Survey Report on Sending Data Securely using IoT over Cloud

  • Om Prakash Singh
  • Ranjith C. S
  • Karthik R.
  • Sandeep Reddy
  • Rashmi Soni
Keywords: Cloud Data, Cloud Security, Data Privacy, Data Security


The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects, computers, cars, houses, and other things embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity, allowing these objects to collect and exchange data. In the new technology market, IoT innovations is the next major step, but with the big difference that it brings about massive changes in business usability. A flare in the number of connected devices as well as placed locations is anticipated over the next few years and the functions that they will perform. Due to recent developments in networking and sensor technology, the Internet of Things (IoT) has grown rapidly. It seems very difficult to link that object together through the internet, but within a time frame, the internet of things will change our lives dramatically.


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Author Biographies

Om Prakash Singh

Department of Information Science Engineering, Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management. Bengaluru, India.

Ranjith C. S

Department of Information Science Engineering, Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management. Bengaluru, India.

Karthik R.

Department of Information Science Engineering, Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management. Bengaluru, India.

Sandeep Reddy

Department of Information Science Engineering, Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management. Bengaluru, India.

Rashmi Soni

Department of Information Science Engineering, Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management. Bengaluru, India.

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How to Cite
O. P. Singh, R. C. S, K. R., S. Reddy, and R. Soni, “Survey Report on Sending Data Securely using IoT over Cloud”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Applied Science, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 75-80, Mar. 2020.


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