International Journal of Clinical Inventions and Medical Sciences
International Journal of Clinical Inventions and Medical Sciences (IJCIMS), with registered number ISSN 2721-4737 (print), ISSN 2721-7302 (online) is a scientific journal that published by Lamintang Education and Training (LET) Centre in collaboration with International Association of Educators, Scientist, Technologist, and Engineers (IA-ESTE) in the international level that covered many main problems in the Clinical Inventions and Medical Science. The aims are to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the area of Clinical Inventions and Medical Science including in the area of Medical/Biomedical Research, Preclinical Research and Clinical Research. IJCIMS published biannual, i.e. March and September.
IJCIMS has been registered as a scientific journal by LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Science): since 2020. IJCIMS is an Open Access Journal and licensed under CC-BY-SA:
Current Issue
The number of article is 5 original research articles and authored/co-authored by 24 authors from 7 countries:
Views: 59 Downloads: 44 DOI :
Views: 181 Downloads: 115 DOI :